Robert Ellis, DDS
Mini Dental Implant Centers of America
243 E Fremont Ave, Rigby, ID 83442, USA

About Robert Ellis, DDS

Born and raised in Rigby, Idaho, Dr. Ellis graduated class of 1983. His parents had a farm in the Clark area approximately 5 miles east of Rigby where they raised cattle, hay, and grain. Dr. Ellis developed his work ethic and desire to help others as one of his favorite things growing up was to get bundled up and go around to the neighbors clearing out their driveways during the winter.

Dr. Ellis attended Ricks college and later EITC. He relocated to Oak Ridge Tennessee where he worked as a rad con tech. He wanted to return to Idaho and took employment at the INEL and was employed for three years when budget cuts forced his layoff. After much consideration, he sold everything and returned to school attending ISU and then Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wi for Dental school. Dr. Ellis graduated in 2001. Dental school was difficult but he loved the clinic and was fortunate to excel there.

Dr. Ellis considers himself very lucky to have been able to return and start a practice here. He loves what he does and is thankful for his friends and patients that visit for their dental care. He is further blessed to have both of his girls work with him at the practice. He and our entire staff look forward to meeting you!

Before & After

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before image
before image
Replace Missing Teeth: Single or Multiple+
Stabilizing Loose Full Dentures and Partial Dentures+
Semi Removable Bridge+
243 E Fremont Ave, Rigby, ID 83442, USA
Geron Evanson
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